Flora of the Halo Atoll: A Rough Journal

by Shannon [******]

  • we found clumps of what we initially thought was hair, but upon inspection turned out to be some kind of shed plant material, just beginning to dry and decompose. they stayed thick and flexible, perhaps they could be woven into rope or used as thatch for roofing?
  • many of the local plants grow these "hairs" - trees, grasses, tubers, vegetables; most categories of plants are capable of growing them, at the very least. it's hard to tell what kind of "hair" belongs to what kind of plant. safe usage is not known to us at the moment. samples were taken, though we are not sure what will come of them.

  • samples of various saps and resins were procured and labelled appropriately. some are secreted from bark, some appear as drops on the surface of a leaf, like beads of sweat. through protective gear, it is difficult to tell, but they likely produce strong scents, as flies and some other insects were observed hovering near sources of sap; some even preserving bodies of insects as if in a glue trap.